The Seagull
By Anton Chekhov
Directed & Adapted by Zoe Senese-Grossberg
It’s hot, it’s sticky, the days are long, you're in the middle of nowhere, and are smarter and more talented than all the people you're stuck here with. Set in the Hamptons in the late 1960s, this new adaptation of Chekhov’s renowned tragicomedy interrogates the play's conception of power and gender by the actors playing Konstantin and Nina switching roles halfway through. Performed outdoors in a brownstone backyard, this show asks: who is allowed to make art, and is it ever any good?
The Seagull performed August 10-13, 2023 in a private backyard in Park Slope, NYC.
Sophie Falvey
as Nina/Konstantin
Olivia Wohlgemuth
as Masha
Maryll Botula
as Polina
Ayun Halliday
as Arkadina
John Lenartz
as Sorin
Leo Lion
as Trigorin
Juli Worth
as Konstantin/Nina
Chris Carlson
as Dorn
Gilad Avrahami
as Medvedenko
Production Team
Olivia Wohlgemuth Assistant Director/Intimacy Director
Thomas Pflanz PSM, Lighting Designer
Isabelle Pflanz Stage Manager
Leo Lion Producer
Katie Orenstein Producer
Victoria Provost Producer
Chris Carlson Site Producer
Katie Homer-Drummond Scenic/FX/Makeup Designer
Max Romanov Props/Costume Designer
Zola Haber Costume Designer